The heart and sole of my practice is line-drawing
My favourite subjects are people who are absorbed in a given activity.
I hope to capture something more than mere physical form. Energy? Excitement? The very strangeness of being?
Musicians are perfect: moving, but staying put and, best of all, oblivious to me. And I love how they seem to merge with their instruments
I draw jazz musicians at a local club,
each week, making 20 or 30 lightning sketches, never pausing to see what I've got . . .
. . . until the day, when I inspect my 'catch'.
If I like one, I might develop it into a print:
laboriously, crawling over a magnified image of tangled lines, retaining almost everything; using colour to resolve some of (but not all) the ambiguities.
This is one of my earliest sketches, that I came back to recently. It's taken a month to 'unscramble. And now it's destined for The Pineapple (See 'Pictures on the Wall)